Form & Function of Man's Best Friend
(Canine Health 301)
Your Dog is Much More than a Collection of Adorable Facial Expressions, Whines, Barks, and Pet-able Coat. To be responsible pet care professional, or even a good dog owner, shouldn't you know all that you can about the anatomy of your dog? Though the more than 400 breeds of dogs in the world vary widely in size and shape (think Chihuahua and then think Saint Bernard!), the basic anatomy is the same, and you cannot truly say you understand your dog until you have studied what supports the bright expression and the protective bark!

This Course contains the essential and basic information for anyone desiring to become a pet care professional.
This Course contains important elements of the anatomy and physiology of the dog, such as:
What terminology and vocabulary do you need to know to professionally discuss the external anatomy of the dog.
How do you address issues relating to various body regions of the dog in terms of being clearly understood by other professionals.
How the integumentary system, which includes the dog's hair and coat, skin, anal sacs, and nails, provides the dog with protection from the environment and disease.
Purpose and function of each part of the integumentary system.
Types of bones and their functions in the dog's body.
Types of joints and their functions in the dog's body.
The axial skeleton, and how does it help the dog's body to function.
The appendicular skeleton, and, though it is the smallest portion of the dog's skeletal system, why is it important.
The forelimb and hindlimb skeletons function, and what do they contribute to the dog's movement and athleticism.
The three different types of muscles (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle) control, and how are they different in function.
How the five different regions of the muscular system (the muscles of the head, neck, torso, appendicular, and hindlimb regions) function, separately and together, to create the athleticism of the dog.
What are deep and superficial muscles, and how do they function.
What comprises the digestive system, and how does it function to bring nutrition to the dog.
How the respiratory system works to provide the dog with that most basic element of life, air.
What the respiratory system is made up of.
The importance of the cardiovascular system, and what components is it made up of.
How the nervous system allows the dog to experience its world, and what are the components of the nervous system.
How the urinary system removes toxins from the dog's body, along with other functions, and what are its components.
What does the endocrine system do and control, and what are its components.
Tuition fees effective 4/1/22.
OPTION 1 Read and Test Out
Self Study - Express - Credit for Previous Experience
Read study material.
Take the tests.
Complete at your own pace.
You read the study material and take the tests at your own pace with the express option. Express works great if you are on a time frame to complete the courses.
Perfect if you have previous experience working with dogs and cats and want to review the study material and then take the tests.
$120 Tuition Fee for Online Course
Tuition Fees for Option 1
Application Fee: $100.00 (one-time fee)
Tuition: $120.00
Total Application and Tuition Fee: $220.00​ *Tool kit not included
OPTION 2 Course Leader and Classroom Discussion
Read study material.
Discuss with Leader and classmates.
Take the tests.
The course takes one month to complete.
Option 2 is excellent if you prefer to have a class leader drive the discussion and participate with your classmates before taking the tests. A perfect choice for beginners to have the opportunity to participate in the discussion before testing. The course is open for one month with weekly discussions to prepare you for the multiple-choice tests required each week at the end of a unit.
$180 Tuition Fee for Online Course
Tuition Fees for Option 2
Application Fee: $100.00 (one-time fee)
Tuition: $180.00
Total Application and Tuition Fee: $280.00​ *Tool kit not included
OPTION 3 Course Instructor with Classroom Discussion and Assignments.
Read study material.
Discuss with Instructor and classmates.
Complete search and fetch assignments.
Take the tests.
The course takes one month to complete.
Option 3 is great if you prefer a structured classroom, this is the option for you and recommended for the beginner. You will participate in discussions assignments and take quizzes to keep you on track to prepare for the multiple-choice tests at the end of each unit and required weekly.
$240 Tuition Fee for Online Course
Tuition Fees for Option 3
Application Fee: $100.00 (one-time fee)
Tuition: $240.00
Total Application and Tuition Fee: $340.00​ *Tool kit not included
OPTION 4 Onsite Course with Instructor in a Classroom.
The onsite course takes 6 hours to complete and does not include study and testing time. The onsite course is offered at the school and Nash Pet Care Education Summits.
This is an excellent method to discuss the class material with your onsite instructor and classmates. After the onsite, you continue your study online and take the required tests to receive your level and certification title.
Study the material with your classmates and onsite instructor in a classroom with visual presentations.
Review study material online.
Take the test to receive your class grade and certification title and ranking.
$289 (6 Hours) Tuition Fee for Onsite Course
Tuition Fees for Option 4
​Application Fee: $100.00 (one-time fee)
Tuition: $289.00
Total Application and Tuition Fee: $389.00​ *Tool kit not included
Earn your Pet Care Professional Certification!
Nash System of Pet Care Education Foundation Courses for everyone working with man’s best friend.
Certification: Canine History Temperament and Behavior
Receive a Score: Grade, Rank, Level, and Title
Course 1 of 6 to complete the Pet Care Professional Certification and required course in the WORLD famous Nash Diploma Progam
Understanding Man's Best Friend (101 Canine History)
Form and Function of Man's Best Friend (301 Canine Health)
Taking Care of Man's Best Friend (201 Canine Health)
First Aid & CPR for Man's Best Friend (201 Canine Health)
Who's Who in Man's Best Friend (101 Pure Breeds)
Variations & Creations of Man's Best Friend (301 Pure Breeds)
Your Certification Title and Rank:
Level 1 Novice in Canine History Temperament and Behavior
Level 2 Master in Canine History Temperament and Behavior
Level 3 Expert in Canine History Temperament and Behavior
Level 4 Specialist in Canine History Temperament and Behavior